Harnessing design thinking: a hackathon experience

L.E.K. and Hi Mum! Said Dad joined up for a one-day hackathon to design a new digital product in a day.

Designing a new product in a day

L.E.K. and Hi Mum! Said Dad joined up for a one-day hackathon to design a new digital product in a day.

Watch the video to better understand the L.E.K. and Hi Mum! Said Dad's joint hackathon process and its value to creative problem-solving.

Testing your in-car voice assistant

The powerful blend of creative vision, user-centricity and commercial strategic thinking

Bringing together the rich skillsets of both organisations, the hackathon showcased the seamless integration of deep research insight from L.E.K. with the digital product development expertise of Hi Mum! Said Dad.

Five cross-functional teams embarked on a one-day structured design thinking process. Beginning with rigorous research and ideation, the teams identified target personas and their unmet needs. Leveraging L.E.K.'s deep strategic advisory capabilities and Hi Mum!'s creative expertise, teams went through a set of creative exercises to land on a digital product idea that met the needs of target customers.

Drawing on L.E.K.'s commercial strategy expertise, teams then refined their concepts to ensure they not only met consumer needs but also generated value in the market.

This one-day hackathon demonstrated the power of combining strategic insight with creative development. By leveraging the strengths of both L.E.K. and Hi Mum! Said Dad, the teams successfully navigated the design thinking process to create innovative digital product concepts that meet market needs.

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